$65 per 100
357 Magnum Brass, 357 Mag Brass, 357 Brass, 357 Smith & Wesson Mag Brass, 357 S&W Mag Brass, .357 Mag Brass
1.275 – 1.285 O.A.L.
357 Mag Brass: Basically a lengthened version of the .38 special, the 357 Magnum is one of the most popular handgun calibers in the world. Almost every revolver manufacturer makes a firearm in this chambering. Also used in many lever action carbines. 357 Magnum Brass.
$60 per 100
.38 Special Brass, 38 Smith&Wesson Special, 38 SPL,
1.140 – 1.150 O.A.L.
38 Special Brass: Known for its accuracy, the .38 Special is one of the most popular handgun cartridges in the world. Can be fired in all revolvers chambered for the .357 Magnum.
$75 per 100
44 Magnum Brass, 44 Remington Magnum Brass, 44 Rem Mag Brass
1.270 – 1.280 O.A.L.
44 MAG Brass: The most powerful commercial handgun cartridge for several years, the .44 Magnum is still one of the most popular handgun cartridges in the world. Almost every major handgun manufacturer produces a firearm in this caliber. It is also available in carbine form from many rifle manufacturers. 44 Magnum Brass.
$90 per 100
44-40 Winchester Brass, 44-40 Win Brass, 44 Win Brass, 44-40WCF Brass, 44 Winchester Brass, 44-40 Marlin Brass
1.294 – 1.300 O.A.L.
Also known as the .44-40 Winchester, .44 WCF, and .44 Winchester, this caliber gained popularity because of its availability in both rifles and handguns. The advent of Cowboy Action Shooting has helped to revive this obsolete vintage cartridge. Our .44-40 brass has a wall thickness of .0065″ but is still stiffer and less fragile than other brands, which makes it much easier to reload
$85 per 100
45 Long Colt, 45 LC
1.270 – 1.280 O.A.L.
45 Colt Brass. Originally designed for use with blackpowder, the .45 Colt is one of the most powerful, commonly available handgun cartridges when loaded with smokeless powder. Our .45 Colt brass has been tested to .44 Magnum pressures in gun systems suitable for such loads.
$85 per 50
45-70 Government Brass, 45-70 Marlin Brass, 45-70 Govt Brass
2.095 – 2.102 O.A.L.
Our .45-70 brass has been tested at elevated pressures suitable for Magnum Heavy Hunting Loads in adequate gun systems. When loading with black powder, annealing of mouth may be necessary to allow case to properly seal chamber due to lower pressures generated by these loads. Our case is produced very strong to withstand high pressure loads associated with smokeless hunting loads and since the only way to make brass harder is to work the material our only option is to leave them stiffer so the customers can anneal for specific application.
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